Sultry Superheroines Series
Our Videos featuring sexy superheroines.
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Starring Rebecca Mason!
Xander tries to use a superpowered Gate Keeper to break Supernova, even though Supernova's powers make her... unbreakable!
"Supernova: Unbreakable" features Rebecca Mason as Supernova, and introduces Christina Ericsson as Gatekeeper Prime. This is the continuation of the storyline that ended with the Mechanoid looming over Supernova. Supernova makes quick work of the Mechanoid, decapitating him, but his Novanite gaze is still activated by Xander to weaken her. Then, the real foe attacks... Gatekeeper Prime! She is a silent, gorgeous, blonde killer, who beats Supernova into submission, until Supernova's beautiful attacker is beaten back and brutally strangled to death, her neck crushed in Supernova's powerful grip! Yes, Supernova kills for the first time, and that killing will haunt her for years, and make her question her role as heroine and protector!Check out the Trailer!
Starring Beth M.
"Teenwing: Into The Breach" features Beth M as Teenwing. This is the continuation of a storyline introduced in "Darkwing 20: Breach of Contract". Darkwing's new assistant, Sybil, tracks Darkwing to a deserted location when her comlink fails to respond. Instead of finding Darkwing, the Contractor finds her. He chloroforms her. When she stirs, he has her change into her Teenwing costume and dares her to beat him in combat. She does her best, but he's too powerful and experienced. Having defeated her, he rips her costume open to reveal her naked breasts. Then, he precedes to make her suffer before he goes to retrieve his gun. This is when, she makes a run for it and manages to escape.
Don't miss the debut of the latest, and perhaps best, Darkwing sidekick!Check out the Trailer!
Starring Yvonne!
"Darkwing 20: Breach of Contract" features Yvonne as Darkwing. Darkwing takes on a revived Contractor who manages to drug her and then beat her down. After Darkwing takes several blows and a brutal bearhug, the Contractor subdues her with a chokehold that nearly finishes her. She has just enough fight in her to break free, but not for long. She is beaten again, then the Contractor rips open her costume and enjoys fondling her naked breasts. She is then choked and kissed simultaneously until she passes out. The Contractor is distracted for a moment by a voice from the corridor beyond, and Darkwing mysteriously vanishes.Check out the Trailer!
Starring Rebecca Mason!
"Supernova 26: Give Me Liberty" features Rebecca Mason as Supernova. Supernova finally breaks out from under the control of Xander, but The Contractor and a Gatekeeper manage to defeat her together by double-teaming her, including strangling her while she's being bearhugged. Our beautiful alien heroine is no match for them, because they manage to weaken her using red star dust. Let her battle cry be, "Give me liberty, or give me death!" Supernova survives, and actually wins the battle though.
Don't miss this latest Supernova adventure, featuring Rebecca Mason, arguably the most gorgeous Supernova incarnation yet!Check out the Trailer!
Starring Krystal Red!
"Wondra 6: Entrapment" features Krystal Red as the new look Wondra. Is it Dark Wondra or is it Wondra? Well, a little bit of both.
Krystal Red assumes the mantle of Bluestone's iconic Amazon, WONDRA! This episode starts out with Dark Wondra being beaten by the Contractor, but there's more to this beatdown than she realizes. The Contractor is in communication with the facility where a captured Wondra is being held and experimented upon. Xander's scientists have discovered a way to transfer Wondra's essence into a weaker and more controllable body... a body that they had earlier crafted for this very purpose... the body of the mysterious Dark Wondra! Unfortunately for Dark Wondra, she has to die for Wondra's mind to be transferred into her body. So, The Contractor kills her, the transfer takes place, and when she revives, it's with the mind of Wondra in the body of Dark Wondra!
Don't miss the continuation of this awesome series as Wondra returns in "Wondra 6: Entrapment"! Wondra survives her encounter with Xander's lieutenant and snaps the neck of the Contractor!Check out the Trailer!
Starring D'arcy!
"Teen Bat 5: New Kid in Town" features D'Arcy as Teen Bat.
A new Teen Bat takes on a revived Contractor, but will her substantial skills be sufficient to put him down? D'Arcy debuts in this latest Teen Bat adventure, as our sexy sidekick takes on the guy who went toe-to-toe with her idol, Darkwing. She fights valiantly, giving as good as she gets, until the Contractor gets the upper hand and enjoys himself. First, he rips her costume open, rendering her topless. Then, he winds a garotte around her lovely neck and, after taking the fight out of her, knocks her out!
Don't miss the return of the teenaged version of Darkwing... Teen Bat!Check out the Trailer!
Starring Rebecca Mason and Natasha Anastasia!
Supernova and Dark Nova in battle! Time to find out who is the more powerful of the two!
In "Supernova 23: We Are One", Rebecca Mason as Supernova takes on Natasha Anastasia as Dark Nova in a fight to the death! The two super-powered adversaries pound each other viciously with their fists as well as with a large steel pipe and other debris from their blockbuster battle! Finally, one of them loses to the other, but both heroines are knocked out and captured by the Gate Keepers!Check out the Trailer!
Starring Lovely LYNDA and KRYSTAL RED!
"Ultrawoman 14: Amazon Duel" features Lynda as Ultrawoman vs. Krystal Red as Dark Wondra! Ultrawoman and Dark Wondra are forced to battle each other, and each of these gorgeous girls gives as good as she gets. It's a see saw battle, but eventually Dark Wondra manages to wrap her golden lasso around Ultrawoman's lovely neck and garrotes her from behind. Unfortunately for Dark Wondra, Ultrawoman manages to turn the tables on her and win by chloroforming Dark Wondra. Ultrawoman, then drained from her battle, is chloroformed herself by the Collector.
Both heroines remain in the Collectors' clutches.Check out the Trailer!
Starring Melody Sky and Natasha Anastasia!
Supernova Prime takes on Dark Nova!
In "Supernova Prime 6: Primeval Force", Melody Sky as Supernova Prime takes on Natasha Anastasia as Dark Nova! Firstly, Dark Nova is beaten and punished by a female Gate Keeper. Then, she is pitted against Supernova Prime. This is an awesome fight between these two beauties, with each giving as good as she takes. Ultimately, Supernova Prime manages to defeat Dark Nova, but is then blasted with a red sun blaster, depowering her. In her weakened state, a male Gate Keeper manages to overpower Supernova Prime. Both Supernovas are therefore captured by Xander's minions.Check out the Trailer!
Starring Melody Sky!
"Supernova Prime 5: Primed For Action" features Melody Sky as Supernova Prime! Supernova Prime is still in the clutches of the Gate Keepers, who manage to dampen her powers with red sun blasters, and then they beat her down, employing a bearhug, backbreaker and debilitating body blows. They next interrogate her as to how reporter Alice Sanchez was able to transform into Supernova. Supernova Prime is garroted viciously and finally gives up the information that the Gate Keepers are seeking, but Supernova Prime's strength returns in time for her to break her bonds and kill her assailant. Do not miss this awesome return of Melody Sky's Supernova Prime to the Bluestone universe!Check out the Trailer!