Sultry Superheroines Series

Our Videos featuring sexy superheroines.

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Sexy Superheroines Episode
126 - Catwarrior 10: Ensnared
Starring Heather Page!
In, "Catwarrior 10: Ensnared", starring Heather Page, Catwarrior finds herself ensnared when she takes on a job to steal a prize then finds out that it is part of a scheme to destroy Edgewing City. Catwarrior does not consider herself a heroine, but also does not see herself as a mass murderer. So, she risks her own life to oppose The Contractor, who has come to take either the loot from her or her life! Heather Page is awesome and sexy in this latest Catwarrior adventure where she battles for her life against the apparently immortal Contractor. She does end up surviving the battle, but it isn't an easy task!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
125 - Supernova 29: Fall of the Mighty
Starring Rebecca Mason!
"Supernova 29: Fall of the Mighty", starring Rebecca Mason, pits our gorgeous heroine against a new opponent! Don't miss this latest awesome Supernova adventure, featuring our heroine as the all-powerful woman that she is... unstoppable... powerful... invulnerable... until the unthinkable happens! Supernova vs. the Parasite, pitting our maiden of steel against a new and intriguing arch supervillain! Supernova after dominating the fight is soundly defeated. She does survive, but all of her powers are stolen by the Parasite. It looks like the power loss is permanent!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
124 - Supernova 28: Serve and Protect
Starring Rebecca Mason!
"Supernova 28: Serve and Protect ", starring Rebecca Mason, is an epic reminiscent of the scope of the Dark Wondra Saga series. Supernova (Rebecca Mason) confronts Mr. Lord, the director of W.H.I.P.L.A.S.H., making it clear that she's the original Supernova and that her mission to serve and protect our planet is paramount, non-political, and, as soon becomes obvious... urgent, as their aircraft is attacked by a mysterious robot craft! Supernova goes into action, flying from their aircraft to defend it and her adopted planet, but it soon becomes obvious that their attacker's real target is Supernova herself! She destroys the robot craft, but its explosion baths her in Novanite radiation, and then a Mechanoid attacks her from behind, slapping a chloroform rag over her lower face as they struggle in mid air. Once unconscious, she is taken to a secret location and she revives to find her arch enemy, Xander, preparing to fight her to the death in her de-powered state. In the following fight, both combatants get in some good shots, but Xander manages to defeat Supernova with a knockout punch. Mr. Lord and the W.H.I.P.L.A.S.H. agents arrive to send Xander packing. Don't miss this awesome Supernova epic production!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
123 - White Angel 27
Starring Martha Rose and LOUISE!
"White Angel 27" stars Louise and Martha Rose and features a girl vs. girl fight between a new White Angel Agent (Martha Rose) and a former White Angel Agent (Louise) who has turned to the dark side! As you will recall, White Angel agents are able to regenerate from what would normally be fatal injuries and fight on tirelessly. So, being both super soldiers, both girls take some powerful hits, but keep on fighting, and you are treated to some great babe vs. babe action. In the Sexy Superheroines version, Martha Rose manages to break free just long enough to snap Louise's neck, killing her instantly.
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
122- Wondra 7: Losing Face
Starring Krystal Red!
"Wondra 7: Losing Face" stars Krystal Red as the new look Wondra! Wondra pleads with Zeus to return her to her original body, but he does not do so. Therefore, she has to face the Gate Keepers in the body of Dark Wondra, first in her sexy civilian clothes and then in full Amazonian costume. She is shot in her civilian persona, but her transformation to her Amazon persona heals her. Then, one of the Gate Keepers takes a super soldier serum that gives him equal strength to our Amazon heroine. Wondra has to fight for her life against an opponent every bit as strong as her!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
121- Dark Bat 2: Breathtaking Beauty
Starring Jenny Cherry (aka Natasha Anastasia)
"Dark Bat 2: Breathtaking Beauty" stars Natasha as the gorgeous Dark Bat! She has finished the night's patrol, removes her mask, and relaxes at home. Too late, she smells the gas! She rises to shut it off, but it has already taken its toll and she weakens and passes out. A Gatekeeper carries her into the bedroom and tosses her on the bed. Then, he takes instructions to gas her to death. In the meantime though, she has recovered consciousness. Dark Bat takes the fight to him, knocking him about and dominating the fight, but eventually he gets in a few good shots and manages to turn on the gas again and don his gas mask. Dark Bat knocks the gas mask free, and both struggle to reach it before the other one. Dark Bat manages to struggle against the Gatekeeper and dons the mask. Then, she defeats and kills him! Another sexy outing for Natasha! Don't miss her in full colour action!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
120- Dark Bat
Starring Natasha Anastasia
"Dark Bat" stars Natasha as the gorgeous Dark Bat! This episode tells the story of what happened to Dark Nova after her powers were drained by Supernova and she was changed back to a human. Unable to resume a normal existence, and in search of who she is, our beautiful heroine dons a bat-styled costume, and becomes Dark Bat. She returns to the warehouse where she was drained of her former powers, and encounters a female Gate Keeper, Gatekeeper Prime, as played by the gorgeous Christina Ericsson. What follows is a battle of the babes, where we are treated to Gatekeeper Prime getting off sexually on her brutalization of Dark Bat.  Both blondes get in some good licks before one of them not only ends up winning, but ends up killing the other. Dark Bat earns her name by killing Gatekeeper Prime with a leg scissor choke and neck snap! Do not miss this awesomely sexy episode!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
119 - Teen Bat 6: Sisterhood of the Bat
Starring Mia Ford
"Teen Bat 6: Sisterhood of the Bat " introduces Mia Ford as our gorgeous new Teen Bat! There's a new Teen Bat trying to track down the location of her missing sister in the Sisterhood of the Bat, a group of unofficial sidekicks who are disrupting the Gate Keepers' operations. She takes on the first thug and after pretending to be defeated, snaps his neck. Her second opponent is much harder to defeat, and manages to crack her back in a bearhug and beat her down until she is defeated and chloroformed. He also unmasks her, despite her valiant struggle to protect her secret identity.
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
118 - The Amazon: An Amazon Amongst Us
Starring ASH K.
"The Amazon: An Amazon Amongst Us " features Ash K. as our gorgeous Amazon, both in costume and in her sexy civilian clothes. Our beautiful Amazon changes to her civilian identity, but she has been followed and spied upon by a Gate Keeper who decides to defeat and kill her in her human form. He fails to do so before she changes once again to her powerful Amazon body. In response, the Gate Keeper injects himself with a serum that makes him 10 times stronger. Suddenly, he's able to match her blow for blow, and even overpower her, catching her fist and crushing it in his hand. The Gate Keeper brutalizes the Amazon, punishing her with blow after blow, then lifting her into a back crushing bearhug, but still she fights on. At one point, in order to humiliate her further, he taunts her, saying that he knows that strangling her is turning her on. She denies it, but is soon spasming and uncontrollably releasing orgasmic squirts. Finally, he decides to end her struggles once and for all, breaking one arm and then the other. Next, he lifts her into a reverse bearhug, tightening his grip until her ribs start to crack, and maintaining the pressure until he crushes her to death. Is this the end of our beautiful Amazon? Well, check out the video and you may be surprised at the final ending. Very sexy heroine bashing and killing in this latest episode of "The Amazon" series!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
117 - Night Warrior: The Reluctant Heroine
Starring Lovely LOUISE!
"Night Warrior: The Reluctant Heroine" stars Louise as Night Warrior, both in costume and in her sexy civilian clothes. Teen Bat is missing, so her mentor tracks her down to an abandoned building, but then is attacked by a Collector and chloroformed into unconsciousness. While she's unconscious, the Collector changes her clothes (off screen) from top and miniskirt to her Night Warrior costume. Then, when she regains consciousness, the Collector reveals his plan to turn her over to his masters instead of the missing Teen Bat! Night Warrior puts up serious resistance, beating the Collector back and dropping him to the floor, but he persists until Night Warrior once again regains the advantage and defeats him! Very sexy intro. to this brand new heroine as played by the gorgeous Louise!!
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