Sultry Superheroines Series

Our Videos featuring sexy superheroines.

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Vivacious Vigilantes
135 - Supernova 35: Possibilities
Starring Sienna Scarlett and D'arcy!
This video is from the "Vivacious Vigilantes" series, but is featured here because there is no Peril version. Although this video features 8 heroine death scenes -- (Spoiler Alert) --, they are all simulated by Xander as he searches for a way to defeat his greatest rival... Supernova. During these sessions, we see both Supernova and Teen Bat show off their fighting skills as well as revealing their weaknesses, but in the end, it is a scenario where Teen Bat defeats Supernova that appears to contain the key to Supernova's actual defeat! This awesome video stars Sienna Scarlett as Supernova and D'arcy as Teen Bat! Not to be missed!
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Available for only $29.50
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
144 - Supernova 34: Prize & Punishment
Starring Sienna Scarlett!
Supernova becomes the object of a Collector's interest. He de-powers her with a special blaster, cutting her powers in half in an attempt to collect her. Supernova continues to batter him though, until the tide finally turns and she finds herself vulnerable to his murderous intent. During the fight, when Supernova is down on all fours, the Collector tears off her cape, and her costume hangs loosely over her shoulder. Then, he picks her up into a reverse bearhug and her costume falls down, exposing her beautiful breasts. The Collector then proceeds to crush her in his arms. Tossing her aside, he picks up his blaster and hits her with more de-powering blasts. She is then beaten viciously by him. In this Peril version, they are locked in a mutual hand strangle when Supernova's powers begin to return. Supernova snaps the Collector's neck to win the  struggle. This one is not to be missed as Sienna Scarlett returns to the role of Supernova!
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Available for only $25.50
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Vivacious Vigilantes
136 - Spider-Warrior: Unmasked
Starring Sienna Scarlett
There's a new superheroine in town and her name is Spider-Warrior! This video features Sienna Scarlett playing the part of this new heroine. Spider-Warrior is tracked down and assaulted, but proves that she is an expert in hand-to-hand combat. She takes the battle to RRS, but finally the tables turn and she finds herself fighting for her life. She is unmasked and defeated... but will she survive. Well, you'll have to check it out to answer that question. WARNING: Both versions contain topless scenes. There are two slightly different versions of this video, but not the usual Peril and Extreme versions. This video, except for a slight variation, are the same with the final ending taking place following the credits.  
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Available for only $25.50
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
143 - Supernova 33: Dark Fantasy
Starring Jenny Cherry!
Jenny Cherry returns as Dark Nova, or does she? Xander seems to have found a way to change Supernova back into her Dark Nova body, but without her insanity, and more importantly without her immunity to Novanite! Once de-powered, she succumbs to a beating by two of Xander's henchmen, who appear to strangle her to death, but her powers return in time to revive her. Then, she is chloroformed and her neck is snapped just as she recovers consciousness. Her beautiful body is then unceremoniously carried away over the shoulder of one of the henchmen. There is only one version of this video. So, is Supernova truly dead? Is this how her legend ends? Buy the video, and you will be intrigued by the answer.
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
142 - Teen Bat 9: Victim of RRS (Peril)
Starring Megan Lee!
Megan Lee returns as Teen Bat and is attacked by two bruisers who are intent on framing the Red Ribbon Strangler for their beating and strangling of her! Teen Bat manages to put up a good fight, but is about to be killed when she is rescued from a most unexpected source... the Red Ribbon Strangler (RRS)! Unfortunately for her, he is intent on eliminating the competition, and defeats her and carries her away himself. Lots of action in this one!  
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Available for only $25.50
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
141 - Catwarrior 13 - Claws of the Cat
Starring Heather Page!
Catwarrior has been captured and is bound and helpless... or is she! Managing to break free, Catwarrior has to take on three male opponents, and to do so uses her superior fighting skills as well as a new set of claws! She is doing well until she is double-teamed and defeated! She is then chloroformed into unconsciousness, her body searched, and then dragged away! Sexy defeat of a gorgeous heroine!
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Available for only $25.50
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
140 - Teen Bat 8 - On The Job Training
Starring D'arcy!
D'arcy returns to her Teen Bat role and fearlessly takes on the fearsome Contractor! Does she have the confidence, skill and weaponry to take on a villain who has fought Darkwing to a standstill? This will be her ultimate real life challenge if she wants to continue to wear the Teen Bat mantle.
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Available for only $24.50
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
139 - Teen Bat 7 - Running the Gauntlet (Peril)
Starring Megan Lee!
Megan Lee is the latest Teen Bat to join the Sisterhood of The Bat. In this episode, she takes on the Red Ribbon Strangler. She puts up a good fight, despite RRS using every trick in the book to weaken her. Megan plays the part in a cocky, but sexy, self-assured manner. Like Wonderkick before her, Teen Bat's internal monologue lets the viewer in on her real panic as RRS comes close to defeating her several times before she is finally able to turn the tables on him. Don't miss Megan's debut as the sexy new Teen Bat. Looking forward to many more appearances by our newest star!
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Available for only $25.50
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
138 - Catwarrior 12 - Hard As A Diamond (Peril)
Starring Heather Page!
Catwarrior has stolen a huge diamond worth millions, but before she can sell it The Contractor intervenes. Catwarrior puts up a good fight, but The Contractor manages to get the upper hand and punish her beautiful body. He delivers multiple low blows, pounds her in the face repeatedly, strangles her, chloroforms her, and is about to carries her away in an unconscious state. What do they intend to do with our lovely heroine! Don't miss this latest installment in the Catwarrior mythos! Heather Page is super sexy in this awesome video! Don't miss it!  
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Available for only $25.50
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Sultry Superheroines Episode
137 - Darkwing 22: Leave No One Behind
Starring Yvonne!
Yvonne goes after her missing assistant, Sybil, who is also her sidekick, Teenwing, but in her apartment she encounters two masked men who seem to be ready for her. She is doing a fair job knocking both of them about until they double team her, inject her with a drug, and beat her senseless. She is rendered topless and there is a long struggle, but she manages to breaks free. In this Peril version, she grabs one of their guns and shoots them both dead. Another soon to be classic Darkwing episode. Don't miss it!
Check out the Trailer!

Available for only $26.25
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