Sultry Superheroines Series

Our Videos featuring sexy superheroines.

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Sexy Superheroines
153 - Catwarrior 14: Dark Assignment (Peril)
Starring Heather Page and Jenny Cherry!
Catwarrior attacks Dark Bat to stop her from harassing the criminal organization that fences Catwarrior's stolen merchandise. The girls fight each other in a see saw battle until Catwarrior knocks Dark Bat out! Then, while Dark Bat is out, she is tied up. When Dark Bat recovers consciousness, Catwarrior tries to convince Dark Bat to back off with several jolts of her electrified whip. She also uses her whip to strangle the helpless Dark Bat, but to no avail. The criminal organization, having secretly watched the confrontation from a neighbouring building, run out of patience. They launch a gas cannister through the apartment window, distracting Catwarrior. Dark Bat takes this opportunity to drop Catwarrior with a kick and wraps her legs around Catwarrior's neck. As a result, both girls are exposed to the gas. Dark Bat snaps Catwarrior's neck and unties her bonds, but it turns out that the gas is partially an hallucinogenic, and she only thought that she'd snapped Catwarrior's neck. In the Peril version, it turns out to be a knockout gas. In the extreme version, Catwarrior and Dark Bat both die from the deadly gas.
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Dr. Horne's Cause of Death Determination
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Sexy Superheroines
152 - Ultrawoman 16: Mastering The Power (Peril)
Starring Lovely Lynda!
Agent Steel takes on a double agent who has been experimented upon and now calls himself Powermaster! He is able to weaken and defeat Agent Steel. So, Steel has to reveal her secret identity as Ultrawoman in order to even the odds. Notwithstanding, Ultrawoman takes a blast full in the chest that cuts her power in half. Powermaster also chloroforms Ultrawoman to further take the fight out of her. The Amazon and the enhanced human then fight until the tide turns in favour of Powermaster as he lifts Ultrawoman into a bearhug, cracks her back, and then strangles her with his bare hands until her neck snaps under the pressure! Ultrawoman is defeated and barely survives, but Powermaster assumes she is dead and leaves her broken body sprawled upon the floor. Lynda is awesome as both secret agent and sexy Amazon. "Mastering the Power" is not to be missed!
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Sexy Superheroines
151 - Darkwing 23: Socialite Surprise
Starring Yvonne!
In "Darkwing 23: Socialite Surprise", Darkwing takes down a dangerous opponent. Thinking him dead, she changes to her civilian attire, putting away her costume and gadgets. Then, to her surprise, her opponent regenerates and continues the attack! Stephanie Kane must fight for her life without the aid of her gadgets and protective costume. A different type of superheroine film, but one that's not to be missed!

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Sexy Superheroines Episode
150 - Supernova 37: Supreme Being
Starring Wendy Mills!
"Supernova 37: Supreme Being" introduces us to Supernova Supreme, as played by Wendy Mills. Supernova Supreme is dispatched from the planet Nova to track down and bring to justice a powerful escaped prisoner. She soon finds that the more powers she uses, the stronger her opponent becomes. How is she going to stop this power leach known as "The Destroyer"? Lots of action, perils and suspense as our newest Supernova tries every move in her playbook to take down this homicidal maniac.
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
149 - Supernova Prime 7- The Huntsman (Peril)
Starring Melody Sky!
This blockbuster was partially financed by our community members with paid elements, and these contributors have already received and are enjoying their copy of this awesome video, starring Melody Sky as Supernova Prime! Supernova Prime is tracking down a serial strangler, hoping to lure him out, dressed in her sexy civilian attire. Her subterfuge is successful, but what she doesn't count on is the strangler's Novanite bracelet. Melody is strangled for real, and barely escapes alive, but her troubles are just beginning. The strangler is scared off by the Huntsman, who has been sent by the Council of Nova to bring back Supernova Prime for ignoring their summons to return to her home planet. Having changed to Supernova Prime, our heroine starts out with confidence, but that is shattered very soon as the powerful Huntsman starts a beatdown that lasts for the balance of this awesome video, until Supernova Prime is brought to her knees and defeated! This blockbuster video is not to be missed! There is also an upgraded, BIG SCREEN version of this video!
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Vivacious Vigilantes
139 - Supernova 36: Worlds Collide
Starring Sienna Scarlett and Jenny Cherry!
Xander summons Supernova to a crisis situation. He explains that he had opened a portal from an alternate reality through which came the Supernova from that reality. This alternate Supernova, played by Jenny Cherry, accuses Xander of purposefully pulling her through the portal which cannot be re-opened. Xander explains that the same person cannot exist in the same reality and unless one of them is killed and disintegrated, their very presence will start a chain reaction that will destroy the world. As a result of Xander's manipulation, the two Supernovas battle each other to the death! There is a lot of back-and-forth action , but who will win this battle of the female titans?! There is only one version of this video, so it is being released under the "Vivacious Vigilantes" label!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
148 - Teen Bat 10: Outclassed
Starring D'arcy!
D'Arcy returns as Teen Bat and takes on two bruisers. She's as confident as she is beautiful, challenging them and making fun of their efforts to defeat her. She taunts them that they are being outclassed by a teenager! Has her over-confidence taken her into too much danger this time? Looks like it as the tide begin to turn, and she is beaten, chloroformed, interrogated, stripped partially topless, unmasked and then apparently strangled to death before she gives up feigning death to give it a second shot at defeating them. In the Extreme version, her dream of victory over adversity ends with a few well-placed bullets! In the Peril version, she defeats both bruisers without taking the bullet hits! The Trailer is posted here:
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
147 – Spider-Warrior 2: The Arachnid Assignment
Starring Sienna Scarlett
Sienna Scarlett returns as Spider-Warrior in "The Arachnid Assignment"! Having narrowly survived her first major outing as Spider-Warrior, our heroine masks up again, this time to take on the unstoppable Contractor! They fight and Spider-Warrior's challenges mount! First, the Contractor injects her with drugs to slow her down. Then, he knocks her out, throws her over his shoulder, and playfully pats her sexy butt. When she revives, and after unmasking her, he enjoys caressing her neck. As he strangles her, she starts to become sexually aroused, having squirting orgasms several times before her ultimate defeat. Rendering her topless adds to the eroticism of this video. Add in a chloroforming and reverse bearhug, and you begin to understand how the Contractor enjoys playing with her before finishing her off, but she overcomes and wins in this version! This return engagement of the Beautiful Sienna Scarlett as Spider-Warrior is not to be missed!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
146 - Ultrawoman 15: Debt Collector
Starring Lovely LYNDA!
Lynda returns as Ultrawoman in "Debt Collector", where her alter ego, Agent Steel, is first attacked by a Collector. As the beautiful agent fights for survival, she recognizes the Collector as the one who feels that Ultrawoman owes him a debt in blood for killing his brother. When she is unable to defeat him, Steel transforms into Ultrawoman. Unfortunately, he has a trick up his sleeve, and sprays her with a weakening gas. It looks dire for our heroine as she suffers brutal punishment at his hands, but in the end she triumphs.  Ultrawoman whips her golden lasso around the Collector's neck and yanks, snapping his neck. Don't miss this all-action adventure of the sultry Ultrawoman!
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Sexy Superheroines Episode
145 - Wondra 8: Psych Out
Starring Jenny Cherry and Iris Allen!
Dark Bat now works for WHIPLASH, and is assigned to track down Wondra. When she finds Wondra, however, Wondra gets the upper hand and strangles Dark Bat to death. It turns out, however, that Dark Bat has been enhanced by WHIPLASH and simply made Wondra believe that she had killed her. Now, knowing Dark Bat's new power, Wondra says she is no longer able to be controlled. This time, Wondra shoots Dark Bat to death. Again, it turns out that Wondra has been mind controlled to think that she has successfully eliminated her opponent. Next, Dark Bat chloroforms Wondra, defeating and capturing her as instructed by her new boss, Mr. Lord. Only one version of this video, featuring two death scenes by Jenny Cherry and a K.O. chloroforming of Wondra! Jenny Cherry plays Dark Bat, while newcomer Iris Allen plays Wondra.
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