About Us & Our Heroines

Sultry Superheroines is a site dedicated to the Superheroine phenomenon, and features tales of sensational heroines as played by the most beautiful actresses in the industry. Our character and actress bios are below. Our company has been in the film business for over ten years, and our experience shows in the high quality screenplays, acting, editing, and production values of the Sultry Superheroines video series. Our head office is located in Canada, but our cast has an international flavour, because we seek out the sexiest and classiest stars for these videos. There is no porn or full nudity in these videos, just stories featuring beautiful superheroines in exciting and perilous adventures!


WHITE ANGEL (Natasha Reese)

Natasha Reese is the first White Angel agent introduced in the Sultry Superheroines series. Like her fellow White Angels, she has enhanced strength and stamina, but also possesses a healing factor that allows her to survive otherwise fatal injuries.
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Superkick is an unofficial Supernova Sidekick as played by TeeJay Walker. She appears with a mask in "Supernova 3: Enter Superkick", but is unmasked in that episode and thereafter appears without a mask. She has no super powers, just guts, determinat
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Wondra, as played by gorgeous Emma G., is an MI6 operative who shares her body with a princess of the almost mythological Amazons. When she transforms into Wondra, she is virtually unstoppable! Her powers include superhuman strength, endurance, sp
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Wonderkick is a fan of Wondra, in other words an unofficial Wondra sidekick. Having trained for the role, she dons a costume to try to find her missing idol. In the process, she demonstrates that even a crazed and foolhardy fan can make a difference
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Supernova, as played by the beautiful Danica Thrall, is a super-powered woman from another galaxy whose only weakness is the rare alien element known as Novanite! Her powers include the power of flight, heat vision, super hearing, invulnerability, su
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Seer is a computer techno wizard who backs up Darkwing as her assistant and confidant. Her real name is Serina Dione. For the most part, she communicates with Darkwing from 'The Nest', their secret hideout, but in Season 2 she will become more integr
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Darkwing is a vigilante who hunts down her criminal prey in the night shrouded streets of Edgewing City. Darkwing hides her real identity as Stephanie Kane from all except her associate, the computer savvy Seer! Together, they attempt to make a diffe
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Catwarrior, like Darkwing, is a creature of the night, but she walks a fine line between heroine and criminal as a result of her previous association with the mysterious organization known as the Seventh Sanctum! She is a very experienced hand to han
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