“Teenwing: Into The Breach” features Beth M as Teenwing. This is the continuation of a storyline introduced in “Darkwing 20: Breach of Contract”. Darkwing’s new assistant, Sybil, tracks Darkwing to a deserted location when her comlink fails to respond. Instead of finding Darkwing, the Contractor finds her. He chloroforms her. When she stirs, he has her change into her Teenwing costume and dares her to beat him in combat. She does her best, but he’s too powerful and experienced. Having defeated her, he rips her costume open to reveal her naked breasts. Then, he precedes to make her suffer before he goes to retrieve his gun. This is when, she makes a run for it and manages to escape.
Don’t miss the debut of the latest, and perhaps best, Darkwing sidekick!